After centuries of being disconnected from the virtual world, alas, I'm finally back in full throttle to dominate the vast world wide web. LOL Wish it was that easy to say. Patience was the price paid because this idea of having internet connection at home had been going on for 3 mos and without luck from Smart's Share-It Unlimited program (which they claim the router out of stock and China was momentarily out of the materials needed for the router), I decided to go for Globe's bundle treat (internet + landline). It was Monday last week when I went to their office in SM to secure an application form which I waited for an hour. I looked around and checked on each customer service agents who were assisting people from all kinds. Unfortunately, out of the 7 agents, only 1 was smiling while maintaining composure talking to her customer. Believe me, I felt the old man who was complaining about his daughter's Globe Tattoo which was no longer getting signal, the young lady who never got her bills for the past 2 mos, and the list goes on... Scary, but I had the feeling that I'll be the next one in the list. Haha. The lady who assisted me ensured it will only take 3-5 days to install the line to my place. I nodded in relief and went out with full enthusiasm while holding the application form in my left hand. I walked around the mall like a king. LOL.
I waited for 8 days and nothing. No internet, no landline, just a note in my head from the lady carrying a large banner saying "3-5 days only". It was 1pm the following day when an agent from Globe customer service called informing me that there was a miscalculation regarding the I-don't-know-what-on-earth-line-she-was-talking-about and that the facility assigned (?) was also incorrect. Straight-faced. I got really annoyed when she offered me the greatest deal they could offer -- CANCELING my subscription. I wanted to start World War 4 and put a bomb under the agent's desk and sue Globe for making my hopes high. I took the deal and had them feel how frustrated I was.
30 minutes after, 2 men knocked on the gate. They were looking for someone named Ken Michael so I gave them a wicked smiled. An hour later, I was already enjoying downloading movies using utorrent. I got my phone line and my 1 MBPS internet connection which came with a prolink modem and wifi bundle. So here I am enjoying the bundle which only costs 1290 pesos a month. Goodness.
Lesson: Miracles happen when you least expect it. Be patient and you'll be blessed.
(I'm sorry I can't go into details. I am sleepy, I need to cut this post short.)
Bye for now.