Thursday, November 4, 2010

Living in delusion

I am an open book. I say what I feel, blurt out my opinions at every opportunity, and constantly reveal my plans and intentions. I do this for several reasons. First, it is easy and natural for me to always want to talk about my feelings and plans for the future. It takes effort to control my tongue and monitor what I reveal. Second, I believe that by being honest and open I am winning people's hearts and showing my good nature. I am greatly deluded. Honesty is actually a blunt instrument, which bloodies more than it cuts. After all that's happened, I realized that my honesty is likely to offend people; it is much more prudent to tailor my words, telling people what they want to hear rather than the coarse and ugly truth of what I feel or think. More important, by being unabashedly open I make myself so predictable and familiar that it is almost impossible to respect or fear me.


Christina November 7, 2010 at 1:49 AM  

Like my sister said about her being too straightforward, she needs a filter between her brain and her mouth. Haha!

It all really depends on the person whether she can take it or not. And about being too open, well, you do that to people you're comfortable with, right? And some things are better kept to yourself :) How about you tell your plans and stuff through black and white instead? :)

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